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What is
Where class meets booty! But don't just take our word for it—come and check it out for yourself.
Beautiful Walking
If you or someone you know walks like poetry in motion, or if you want to see such ladies, come visit us!
Bootyful AND Beautiful! This must be heaven! Read below the pictures for details about our BOOTYFUL exercise videos!
Bootyful AND Beautiful!
These are the words that come to mind as you view these pretty ladies doing exercises. There are 10 different exercise types and 5 different DVDs that feature NO nagging during exercise, NO telling you to diet or change or get rid of fat. These tapes see you as perfect just as you are, and there's even a separate motivational section where you can learn various self-esteem boosters in case all those oppressive dieting ads on TV have managed to convince you you're somehow unacceptable!
Check 'em out now!
Comedy with Booty!
You KNOW you love it! We know what you're thinking:
IT'S ABOUT TIME that someone got comedy and booty together!Check it out!